Friday, 12 September 2008

Welcome SITS Readers

I am so extremely flattered! Heather from "The Secret is in the Sauce" picked me to be their featured blogger today! Thank you ladies!

Just a little about me...I am a creative person by nature. With three busy little ones running around, I don't have a whole lot of time to put into that part of myself in this season of my life. Sure, I dabble a bit now and then, so I take out my creativity on my daughter's heads. My husband refers to it as "hair art". I have so much fun talking to my daughters while I twist and contort their hair to whatever my hearts desire is that day. Just this morning I got a rundown of the entire third grade class at my daughters elementary school.

I want to thank all of you that have come to my little corner of the internet! Have a look around, make yourself at home, enter a contest!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

What you can do with tiny French braids

I have this current fascination with French braids that have only been pulled from one side. For example: you start a normal French braid but instead of pulling hair from the right, you pull it under from the left and only add in on the left side. For styles like the one below, it makes the hair "POP" just a bit. LOVE THAT!

For this one, we parted her hair and I pulled the excess into a ponytail to keep it out of the way.

Braid each side down as far as it will go.

I am getting stingy with my elastics, so I held each braid with a clip while I finished the other side.

Pull the excess that you had in the ponytail out and wet it and smooth it into a low ponytail in your hand. Remove the clips and add to the ponytail.

Secure the ponytail with an elastic, but when you get to the last time you are going to pull it through, only pull it through halfway.

Tie a ribbon over the elastic.

For this one, follow the same directions to the part where you have each braid into a clip.

Remove the clips and hold each braid at the bottom.

Pull the two braids together tight across the hair.

Secure with an elastic.

Curl the hair with a flat iron or curling iron.

Add a ribbon.

If her hair is fine like this little ones, spray the hair to stay down.

P.S. I have a little something coming up on's a little teaser.