Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Summer Simple...Two Knotted Ponytails

It's summer.  For the most part, we are lucky if hair gets brushed, let alone done.  We found some super cute hats at the beginning of summer and most of the time my little girls just plop those on or we spend most of our days lazing around "the Hill" at the pool and the hair looks a chlorinated, tangled mess.  But on rare occasions, I do get their hair done, and it's simple in the summer.

This one is an old stand by.  Two ponytails flipped into knots.  Nothing fancy, no ropes or twists or braids. Just something to keep their hair out of their faces.

****Just a little aside, we always ALWAYS start with wet hair to keep their hair fly-away free.  My girls have lightweight, soft hair.  The smooth usually only lasts for a little while unless they are straight out of the shower.  I like them to bathe at night, so the two don't mesh well.  I've tried every product on the market and one day in a moment of desperation, we discovered our secret weapon.

Warm water, infusium 23 leave-in treatment and conditioner.  We had this on hand, which is fine because we all love the coconutty smell.  I fill up the spray bottle with warm water, drop in about a teaspoon of conditoner and two-ish tablespoons of infusium 23.  It's like freshly conditioned, wet hair without having to rush to have one more person in the shower in the morning.  The weight of the conditoner helps so much and the infusium 23 keeps the flyaways to a minimum...unless your daughter wraps her head in a fleece blanket and wears it as a disguise.  I'm afraid nothing can help with that.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Tween bun for lazy days

Hi.  Remember me?  It's been a while.  Almost three years to be exact.  Life has been fun.  We built a house, moved, had girls grow, figured out how to live with a child who has severe allergies and just plain enjoyed life.  My girls are getting older.  Remember this one?  My sweet first born who was eight years old the last time I posted is now turning twelve and entering junior high.  We have transitioned from a house with little, little girls to a tweenager home. It has been really fun.  I don't mean that in an "I have moody, obnoxious children" way.  I mean it in a "This is the SWEET spot of life.  I have real, deep conversations with my girls who are smart, fun, sweet with just a tiny bit of sass" way.

In regards to this style, the television has been on consistently lately.  We love watching the Olympics.  My little ones especially LOVED watching women's gymnastics and watching Gabby soar to the gold but felt so bad for her because the press went on and on about her hair.  Really?  Around here... maybe it's just Utah...all of the tween/teenage girls are wearing their hair in high ponytails pulled into a messy bun or left down but up high and full.  My own tweenager is no exception.

I rarely do her hair anymore.  She is in full independent mode.  Today she let me have at her, and you know what?  It is hard for me to do her hair!  I am out of practice with it's texture and how it moves.  But she humored me and let me have at it anyways.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Bridal Hair by... Nicki Minaj?

OK, this is mostly for fun. But I'd love to know what you think about it. I actually found the following image on Tumblr, where it was suggested as a bridal hairstyle.
Yes, that's Nicki Minaj - styled innocently in a white dress and wavy hair. Personally, I'm on the fence about her hairstyle but I LURVE her makeup!

Friday, 6 April 2012

Wednesday, 7 March 2012