You sit in bed and make hairbows of course.
A week or so ago I took my kids to a museum on a feel-good day. I talked to a lady there whose little girl had these darling bows in her hair. I shared how I had made my little girls flowers in their hair and I assumed she would like to share information. I even gave her the name of this blog so she could look for how to organize her daughters hair things.
Well, the woman wouldn't share. She said she had promised her friend that she wouldn't tell. So much for sharing information. So I came home and googled "little girl hair-bows". HA! Guess what! There is a FANTASTIC woman out there who feels the way that I do. That the IDEA of making hairbows isn't patented. Ribbons have been around forever! So she shared the trade secret.
I am passing it on to you. Enjoy this website!!! Gleen all you can! Make it so that you don't have to spend oodles of $$$ on a bow that you could easily make for pennies!
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