My sweet niece came to spend the day with us.
A little story about her. Several years ago she found scissors, and we all know that NEVER ends well. Her hair was in the process of growing out and she had some bangs that she wanted trimmed. Well, my sister wouldn't do it "RIGHT THEN" so she found another set of scissors and took matters into her own hands.
When my Sophie originally wanted "no more bangs", she thought it meant we had to cut them off. We reminded her that is what my niece did and Sophie remembered and changed her tune.
So little missy has been growing her hair out. I have taken it upon myself to be in charge of her hair. She is good with it, I am good with it and my little sister who is self-described as "not girly at all" is good with it.
Here is another little "growing out the bangs do. Because her hair is at different lengths, there are some wispys with the bang ends. With the finished style, you can hardly tell.

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