Showing posts with label Puffy Braids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puffy Braids. Show all posts

Monday, 13 October 2008

Star part puffy braids

You will notice that there is a lack of pictures leading up to this first picture. Sometimes I will get going on their hair and then "DOH!" I remember I have a hair blog and I make a mad dash for the camera. If I am planning on a new style, I clean off my bathroom counter. HA! Now you can see what my bathroom counter REALLY looks like in the morning.

So, basically, you part the hair down the middle and then you form your triangles from a center point on the crown of her head. When I do a normal puffy braid, I like all of my sections to end at the same point right above her ear. I like the uniformity. With this one, you make the ponytail sections look like above.

Then I pulled the two ponytails into one big one...and I got her dress sopping wet. You could do this with two ponytails, however, my ponytails were too close together and I wanted to keep the star part consistent. So I pulled them into one. I only pulled the ponytail half way through.

Then I broke out the curling iron that I have been favoring latey and curled those ends.

See that darling little butterfly, you will have a chance to win one for yourself VERY soon. SO cute!

Top view

Back view

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Puffy Braids with Braids

Part the hair on the side or the middle. I parted on the side and took it to a gradual part to the middle of the nape of her neck.

Part from the crown to the ear and pull into a ponytail.

Braid the ponytail and pull up another section of hair. Combine the braid into the ponytail and secure with another elastic.

Repeat to the endof the hair.

Then repeat on the other side.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Zig-zag puffy braid

Using the concepts in the lattice ponytails and the puffy braids we did this style.

Part the hair into a half ponytail at the crown and secure the ponytail with an elastic on either the right or the left side.

Part another ponytail beneath it and pull the ponytail to the opposite side of your original ponytail. Pull the first ponytail into the second.

Repeat until you have reached the bottom of the hair. Depending on how long your daughters hair is decides how many ponytails you can put in. Her hair is fairly short, so I did four.
Six would be absolutely darling!

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Slanted Puffy Braid

This one is pretty easy.

Part the hair from her temple across her head to just behind her ear. Pull smooth and secure with an elastic on the side opposite the temple where you started.

Part down from the temple and pull it across her head to just next to the other side. Comb smooth and secure with an elastic only this time make the ponytail off a bit from your first ponytail.

Repeat until you get to the bottom and the last elastic.

At this point you can do what you want. You could do a flippy ponytail, you could tie a bow, you could curl it. This time we kept going until just before the end. I should have curled the end but I am lazy today and didn't want to go all the way back up the stairs.

By-the-way, today we used ouchless covered elastics. Her hair is getting too thick for the plastic elastics.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Short Hair Part Puffy-Braid

Section the top of the hair into a square.
Make your first part going across the head.
Pull into a ponytail.
Secure with an elastic.
Part the next section going across the head.
Comb down smooth.
Pull the first ponytail into this and make a second ponytail.
Secure with an elastic.
Pull the last part of the square smooth and add the hair that is already in the ponytails to this section.
Secure with an elastic.
***I have included two pictures of this. One with a bow and one without. It is harder to see the elastics with the bow. A ribbon would allow you to see more detail.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008