Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Halloween Hair...Tinkerbell

Start with the hair in a high ponytail on the crown. This was actually too low for my liking, but her hair is short and I didn't want all of the pieces on the bottom to fall out.

Put the comb between the elastic and the scalp and pull out.

Then flip the ponytail up through the part you made...see the post below.

I didn't take a picture of this step, but I ran my flat iron over her ponytail and curled it under so I could have a bit more control.

Then I backcombed her hair. Some call it ratting, That word makes me think of rats. For some reason I don't like associtating rats and my kids. Funny the things that you associate. My girls actually call this "fluffing". Spray the hair after you backcomb, fluff, rat, whatever.

Then smooth the top over the ponytail. Spray it again.

Now I take the ends and I tuck them up and secure them with two bobby pins that are crossed. Tess has fairly thin hair so I only needed two bobby pins. Depending on how thick your daughters hair is, you may need more, and you may need to tuck more than once.

Now, spray it all over you could be done, but for this day at our house, we wanted a headband.

Tinkerbell doesn't use a headband...but some glitter would add just the right touch.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Halloween Hair...Belle

For those of you who are dressing up as your favorite princess, these hairstyles are for you. Today we are channeling Belle.

Start with the hair in a ponytail high on the crown. I curled the ends because this was for school and I didn't have the full time to do what I would have done had she been getting ready for a night of Trick-or-Treating.

Take your rat-tailed comb and slide it between the elastic and the scalp. Using the comb, pull the ponytail out slightly.

Here we are doing and upside down knot. Push the ponytail up through the part you just made with your comb...

...but only partway through.

Now take and pull the elastic tight. This is where I started tugging pieces of her ponytail out to make it poofier (I don't think that is a word). See those ends? If it had been Halloween, I would have curled sections into ringlets to make it a bit more fancy.

Then I tied a ribbon around the elastic. Had she really been Belle, I would have taken a yellow ribbon and wrapped it around the elastic and tucked the ends.

There you go. My human rendition of Belle's ball hairdo.

Monday, 13 October 2008

Star part puffy braids

You will notice that there is a lack of pictures leading up to this first picture. Sometimes I will get going on their hair and then "DOH!" I remember I have a hair blog and I make a mad dash for the camera. If I am planning on a new style, I clean off my bathroom counter. HA! Now you can see what my bathroom counter REALLY looks like in the morning.

So, basically, you part the hair down the middle and then you form your triangles from a center point on the crown of her head. When I do a normal puffy braid, I like all of my sections to end at the same point right above her ear. I like the uniformity. With this one, you make the ponytail sections look like above.

Then I pulled the two ponytails into one big one...and I got her dress sopping wet. You could do this with two ponytails, however, my ponytails were too close together and I wanted to keep the star part consistent. So I pulled them into one. I only pulled the ponytail half way through.

Then I broke out the curling iron that I have been favoring latey and curled those ends.

See that darling little butterfly, you will have a chance to win one for yourself VERY soon. SO cute!

Top view

Back view

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Parts...How to

A straight part.

Yes, we did cut bangs. And for the record, she did not cut her hair and it wasn't something we had to fix. Her mother had a whim.

Comb the hair out nice and smooth. I find working with wet hair makes for the prettiest part.

Then I take the comb and go straight back on her hair.

On one of the lines the comb made, I take the come and separate the hair.

Like so.

Just go straight back. Then pull the sections apart and smooth.

Then dig at that ear because you swear you have a bug in it. Turns out, it was water.


When I say part from the side to the crown in so many of my posts, this is what I mean.

Coming off the part, you part again.

Then coming off that part, you part again. Repeat this until you are as far as you want to go.

Once you have mastered that one, you can move onto the easy version.
Comb the hair straight back.

Take the tail part of your rat-tailed comb and "draw" a zig-zag on the scalp.

Pull the comb up and separate the two sides of the part.

Comb each side for definition. Or, if you want to leave it down and have a vague part, don't pull it apart and smooth it as much.

Thursday, 9 October 2008